Monday, November 18, 2013

The "Confused" Citizen

The most recent post from The Bemused Citizen is a critique on my defending of Ted Cruz in my last blog post.  I have to say that I think my point was misunderstood.  The "money bags" that the critique refers to, are actually a large group of voters from the state of Texas, whom which understand the devastation that the Affordable Healthcare Act has on our Macro-Economy.  The fact that the website doesn't work and that millions of Americans haven't shown any interest of even signing up is just an annoyance before the true problems occur.
The Affordable Healthcare act, under it's current design, cannot sustain itself without forcing all individual policy holders off of private insurance and onto a different policy through the exchange, where premium costs are more in order to pay for the acceptance of pre-existing conditions, and by forcing individuals to pay high tax penalties if they opted out of coverage which, by 2016, people making between thirty-eight thousand and eight thousand a year will be charged $695.  That number will have to rise if people decide to stay on private policies, which is why the Affordable Care act is designed to force people onto government policies.
It also puts Employers in a tough spot on how to deal with higher premium costs.  Most small businesses have already dropped under the employee minimum to avoid paying higher premiums. Those individuals that were dropped will either pay a tax penalty, buy private insurance, or sign up for Obamacare.  In that situation private insurance is out of the question because they can no longer offer discounted premiums because they don't meet the standards set forth in the Affordable Healthcare Act.
So far, if you are under the age of twenty-eight, single, healthy and don't have any dependents, you haven't signed up for health insurance and most likely have no intentions to do so in the future.  It is that demographic that has the largest percentage of individuals with no pre-existing conditions.  If those people fail to sign up and pay into the system, the much larger demographic of the elderly and disabled with medicare/medicaid benefits will dominate the system; the amount being paid into the system won't cover the amount of care that's being provided.  If that situation were to occur, care would have to be rationed among those of importance.  How that will be decided is unknown, however one would assume it would be an administrative agency of sort.
The private sector of the Health Industry is slowly being bankrupted due to the false promise of the President that individual plans could remain the same.  The most important thing to realize is that the original debate over healthcare was that it was too expensive and that was why people were taking the risk of not acquiring health insurance.  All policies thus far have increased in price and the President justifies that because he claims that we're better off with the new policies.  I guess we need the government to tell us what's best for our own lives.  I mean we're all just way to stupid to make these decisions on our own. 
To finish I'd like to address these "glitches" that are just hiccups along the way.  A number of cancer patients have been dropped from their insurance due to Obamacare.  These individuals were cut from their treatment because apparently Obamacare was designed to protect people with pre-existing conditions, especially ones with serious illness. Those Liberal heroes that care, not to gain power, but to serve only the people, don't seem to want to address those cancer patients.
I guess will just let it work itself out.

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