Friday, November 22, 2013


The Obama Administration has repeatably told the media, and the American people, that the Affordable Healthcare Act was designed to better peoples lives. Too provide better care at lower costs for all Americans.  They've made it very clear that the new healthcare law, along with it's timing, isn't political, and has a presence that exists merely to represent the people.  They wanted us all to experience the amazing deal that was being offered, and of course couldn't stand to see us wait any further.  I guess this means that the go ahead with the roll out wasn't at all for political reasons, but only in-order to benefit the people.
In reality, the Obama administration new damn-well that the Affordable Healthcare Act wasn't ready.  In March of 2013 McKinsey & Co, a private consulting firm, compiled a report dealing with the subject matter of whether or not the exchange would be ready for the set launch date.  The report was filled with red flags and went on to say that without the existence of multiple glitches and errors,the set launch date wouldn't be feasible.   
So if the President and his administration knew about all the current problems that we're facing today back in March, why in the hell did they go through it?  I mean, the government is supposed to serve the people.

 Now I know that all my liberal friends out there think that this administration can do no wrong, and that it's all the right wingers who're making them look bad.


If it weren't for those pesky conservatives the government would surely start working right! 
Just know this, the Obama administration knew that millions of Americans were going to be dropped from their insurance policies after the launch of the healthcare act. They also knew that the exchange wouldn't be ready in time to meet the demands of the people.  A portion of these policy holders were receiving critical care and, still today, haven't received treatment because the government is dealing with ongoing technical issues.  They also knew that premium costs, on average, were going to double, and that the extra cost wouldn't provide any additional beneficial care.  
They told us that its a


deal, and that we should


such efficient care.  I'm ever so


that we're so well taken care of.....       

1 comment:

  1. I am commenting on Andrews "Healthcare!!!" post. In this blog Andrew talks about why the Obama administration chose to pass the Affordable Care Act knowing that it wasn't ready for the public. Also that they knew about our current healthcare problems that still have not been fixed. I agree with Andrew in the fact that the government is supposed to be helping the people instead placing us in a horrible position. Some will be forced to drop their insurance, pay taxes, and also as Andrew said the premium costs will double. The actions taken by the government were wrong, if they knew the Affordable Care Act wasn't ready to launch they shouldn't have allowed it. Healthcare is very important, so making it harder on the people to access it and pay for it is messed up.
