Friday, November 1, 2013

Politicians and Their Brilliant Ideas

In my last post I touched briefly on the blasting of Ted Cruz that has been taking place of late.  A whole slew of accusations were cast upon him with some Democratic Senators going so far as to calling him a terrorist.  All of this finger pointing came about because Ted Cruz was calling for an extension and a revision of the current Affordable Care Act.  Democratic Senators expressed to the media that the reason he was calling for it was because of his bad intentions and insensitive outlook on the Nation's less fortunate.  All of which I disagree with and, come to find out, so do the Democratic leaders.

These past couple weeks have consisted of multiple Congressional figures expressing concern about and the extreme failure it has been so far.  At the rate we're currently going the majority will be unable utilize the exchange to acquire their Insurance policies.  What's even worse is that there is a very large group of individuals that have dropped their current plan, either due to employer policy or regulation standards, and have still been unable to acquire their new one.  This means that these people will be required to pay a tax penalty on top of not being insured.  Blue Cross Blue Shield has sent out over fifteen-thousand letters of policy cancellations due to the fact that their plans didn't meet the standards set forth by the Affordable Care Act.  Big surprise that the promise to the American people that they could keep their current plan if they liked it was a complete lie.

Democratic Senators are now being faced with big issues with Obama Care and the outlook for the upcoming election doesn't appear to be all that well.  So now all of a sudden an extension seems like a good idea.  What a bunch a terrorists!  Every single thing that Ted Cruz expressed concern about is being repeated by the Democrats in Congress.  This is politics as usual and none of this surprises me at all.  Whats sad is the amount of people who love to demonize Ted Cruz for suggesting the same thing current Democratic members of Congress are suggesting.  Maybe if average citizens would allow themselves to stop listening to politicians promises and do a little research on their own, we as a society wouldn't be chained up in Plato's cave.

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